No. 30—2024

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Galerie Gisela Capitain ArtJunk Photo: Simon Vogel

Sankt-Apern-Str. 26
50667 Köln

Albertusstr. 9–11
50667 Köln

Di–Fr: 10–18 Uhr
Sa: 11–18 Uhr

T +49 (0) 221-355 70 10

F +49 (0) 221-355 70 129

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bad flowers

Isabella Ducrot

Info: Galerie Gisela Capitain is pleased to announce its third solo exhibition with Isabella Ducrot (b. 1931, Naples). bad flowers presents itself as a fascinating contradiction, suggesting a rich tapestry of meanings. The sheer simplicity of the term bad, which strips language of its complexity and subtlety, is as astonishing as the multitude of possible readings one is confronted with. (…) Isabella Ducrot is obsessed with beauty that can be found in even the most mundane of everyday objects. Her works are like praise songs, seemingly light but cutting to the essence of life itself. Ducrot uses both textiles and paper as a medium, which she has collected from her travels throughout Asia. The material, its flaws and qualities, become part of the image and are presented as pure matter that needs no further embellishment. Flower still-lifes, landscapes, loving couples, garments – these are Ducrot’s themes – simple, yet all-encompassing. It is this certain innocence inherent in to her practice, which allows Ducrot’s works to speak for themselves. Location: St. Apern Str. 26, 50667 Köln.

Galerie Gisela Capitain Isabella Ducrot ArtJunk

Loge No 63

Uwe Henneken

Info: Uwe Henneken had solo exhibitions at Kunsthalle Gießen 2019, Centro Cultural Andratx 2018, Gesellschaft für Gegenwartskunst, Augsburg 2011, Kunstverein Braunschweig 2010, and Frans-Hals-Museum, Harlem 2007. Group exhibitions include Kunsthalle Bremen 2018, Kunstpalais Erlangen 2016, me Collectors Room, Berlin 2014, Kunsthalle Recklinghausen 2012, Musée d’art contemporain, Bordeaux 2011, ZKM Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe, Arp Museum Rolandseck, Remagen, all 2011, Lido Pavilion, 53th Venice Biennial, Venice, Sprengel Museum, Hannover, both 2009 and Aspen Art Museum, Aspen 2007, among many more. His work is held in the permanent collections of Kemper Art Museum, Saint Louis, Pinault Collection, Venice, Boros Collection, Berlin and Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich. Location: St. Apern Str. 26, 50667 Köln.

Galerie Gisela Capitain Uwe Henneken ArtJunk

Ryan Sullivan

Info: Ryan Sullivan participated in institutional exhibitions at Le Consortium, Dijon (2024, forthcoming), Aspen Art Museum, Aspen 2022, Highline, New York 2019, GAMeC, Bergamo, Marciano Art Foundation, Los Angeles (both 2018), ICA Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami 2015 (solo exhibiton), Kunstmuseum Bonn, Aïshti Foundation, Beirut, The FLAG Art Foundation, New York (all 2015), Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, New York 2013, and MoMA/P.S.1, New York 2010 among others. Location: Albertusstr. 9–11, 50667 Cologne.

Galerie Gisela Capitain Ryan Sullivan ArtJunk


Lukas Quietzsch

Info: Galerie Gisela Capitain is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition with Berlin based artist Lukas Quietzsch. Lukas Quietzsch has exhibited at Ramiken, New York in 2023 and 2022, Kunstverein Freiburg in 2022 and 2017, and at Schiefe Zähne, Berlin in 2020 and 2017. He will mount his first solo exhibition at Galerie Gisela Capitain in September 2024. Location: St. Apern Str. 26, 50667 Köln.

Galerie Gisela Capitain Lukas Quietzsch ArtJunk



Fr — 30. August 2024 18:00—21:00 Uhr

Lukas Quietzsch

Info: Galerie Gisela Capitain is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition with Berlin based artist Lukas Quietzsch. Lukas Quietzsch has exhibited at Ramiken, New York in 2023 and 2022, Kunstverein Freiburg in 2022 and 2017, and at Schiefe Zähne, Berlin in 2020 and 2017. He will mount his first solo exhibition at Galerie Gisela Capitain in September 2024. Location: St. Apern Str. 26, 50667 Köln.

Galerie Gisela Capitain Lukas Quietzsch ArtJunk