No. 30—2024


Drei Galerie Köln Raum Kunst ArtJunk

Jülicher Str. 14
50674 Köln

Mi–Fr: 14–18 Uhr
Sa: 11–16 Uhr

T +49 (0) 221-95 81 45 22

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Our Porcelain Thoughts

Rosa Aiello, Lena Henke, Benjamin Hirte, Dozie Kanu, Mira Mann, K.R.M. Mooney, Markus Saile

Info: Our Porcelain Thoughts compiles works by seven international artists, born in the 1980s and 90s, who have contributed and continue to contribute in different ways to the expansion of the landscape of object making. Considerung it a personal picture of the current moment, the exhibtion seeks to open a dialogue between multifaceted artistic approaches and asking questions around aesthetic considerations in the context of conceptual strategies. (…)

Drei Rosa Aiello et al ArtJunk

ameratherm ultra cooking lab

Julia Scher


ameratherm ultra cooking lab

Fr — 30. August 2024 18:00—21:00 Uhr

Julia Scher

Info: Eröffnung im Rahmen der DC Open.