No. 30—2024

Galerie Buchholz

Galerie Buchholz Köln Lutz Bacher Firearms ArtJunk

Neven-DuMont-Str. 17
50667 Köln

Di–Fr: 11–18 Uhr
Sa: 11–16 Uhr

T +49 (0) 221-257 49 46

F +49 (0) 221-25 33 51

E →


Orders to Kill

Frances Stark

Info: Galerie Buchholz announces the sixth solo exhibition by Frances Stark since 2000, and her fourth in our Cologne gallery. Frances Stark (*Newport Beach, California, 1967) lives and works in Los Angeles. She has had survey exhibitions including Uh-Oh: Frances Stark 1991-2015 at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (2015–2016) and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (2016–2017), and Intimism at the Art Institute of Chicago (2015). Her works have been presented in major international exhibitions, including Censorship Now! in the Whitney Biennial, New York (2017), Bobby Jesus’s Alma Matter… at the Carnegie International, Pittsburg (2013), and her digital video My Best Thing, first shown at the 54th Venice Biennial (2011). Additional solo exhibitions by Frances Stark include the Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf/Berlin, MoMA P.S. 1, New York, and the Portikus, Frankfurt, among others. She was a 2018 nominee for the Hugo Boss Prize, and the 2015 recipient of the Absolut Art Award. Her work is included in the collections of the MoMA, New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, SFMoMA, San Francisco, LACMA, Los Angeles, the Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, and others.

Galerie Buchholz Frances Stark ArtJunk

Isa Genzken