No. 37—2024

The All Attractive

Rosa Aiello

Info: One may take a stroll outside on a sunny day, pass by a rose garden, and decide to stop to photograph. Or, if it is sunny outside, one may take a walk, decide to take rest in a rose garden, and feel compelled to photograph how the sun envelopes the roses. Or, on a sunny day, one may decide to take a walk outside, happen upon a rose garden, and feel moved to photograph. Or, if it is sunny outside, one may decide to visit a rose garden and possibly take some pictures. Or, if it is sunny outside, one may take a camera to go photograph a rose garden. Or, one may take a walk, notice people photographing a rose garden, and stop to observe people taking pictures. Or, one may take a walk on a sunny day, notice others photographing a rose garden, and decide to join them in taking pictures. Or, if it is sunny outside, one may take a walk and pass by a rose garden, notice people taking pictures, and stop to photograph them taking pictures and interacting with each other and/in the rose garden. (…)

Drei Cologne Rosa Aiello ArtJunk