No. 30—2024

Richard Hamilton

Info: »In Picardy, in Brabant, in the neighbouring provinces and doubtless in other places, grows a wild flower. A long time has passed since I saw it. I no longer wander along lanes and hedgerows; and then, roads have vanished the ditches–asphalt has done its task well. How has this unforgettable flower fared amidst the devastation of the countryside? Though my memories of it date from the 1930s and are forever mingled in my mind with inflation, I could still describe the appearance of that flower–were it not composed of an infinity of points so closely enmeshed that a complete description of its aspect would require a visual acuity available only to science. Does it still live, this accursed flower, known to country folk as The Painter’s Despair?« – Marcel Broodthaers, 1974

Galerie Buchholz Köln Richard Hamilton ArtJunk