No. 04—2025

Paulina Hoffmann

Curated by Wilko Austermann

Info: Paulina Hoffmann‘s installation Störung des Gebräuchlichen in the Attic Showroom was created entirely on site – the alliance with the environment is important to the artist. She used the same materials here as in Protektion, which will, a.o. LRRH_ editions, be shown in the Ground Showroom. Hoffmann has joined black PVC fragments, held together by white seams, to form organisms hanging on hooks. These unite two antagonists in the industrial aspect of PVC and the craftsmanship of the seams, reflecting the conflict between an ever faster world and the desire to slow down. The material finds new forms – beyond its original use and benefits. This creates something that eludes our vocabulary and our urge for explicability and initiates free associations.

LRRH_ Aerial Paulina Hoffmann ArtJunk