No. 30—2024

Painting, as It Were (Painting as Is III)

Tomma Abts, Mary Ramsden, Alexis Ralaivo, Emily Kraus, Tim Wilson, Christopher Page, Behrang Karimi, Andreas Schulze, Yesmin Akdeniz – curated by Heidi Hahn and Tim Wilson

Info: We are pleased to present Painting, as It Were (Painting as Is III), the third installment of Painting as Is, an ongoing curatorial collaboration between New York based artists Heidi Hahn and Tim Wilson. As with all of these shows, Hahn and Wilson seek to bring together groups of artists that hold a keen interest in the blunt facts of painting. Facts, that when deployed, demonstrate a wide range of pictorial languages that stretch across and live within abstraction and representation—performing a kind of formal calland-response that is tethered to painting’s rich history but also give rise to each artist’s unique voice. While on the one hand, the works in these shows demonstrate a well understood formal and selfreflexive nature of an art making practice, the crux is rather more to do with an insistent belief, that is simultaneously bound up with a high level of doubt, that the manipulation and rearrangement of the objects of material world can somehow transform into objects of meaning—whatever they may be. (…)

Kadel Willborn Christopher Page et al ArtJunk