No. 30—2024

Der Bücherwurm


Info: In their second solo exhibition at Lucas Hirsch, Düsseldorf, the artist collective HC present 32 cropped pages of a found book, meticulously framed. The pages of the book show the marks of a pest – a so called bookworm – which gives the show its title. The animal, whose colloquial name is the synonym for a bibliophile, becomes the artist, the author, its marks are the drawings that constitute the artworks in this show. HC think of the worm as a collaborator, a conspirator, they invite it into their collective practice and hand over the responsibility for several formal decisions. HC’s role remains to select and crop the pages and to present them in an archival manner. Through this process the fragmented illustrations and texts of the children’s book* – scratchy ink drawings and a simple, playful language – insinuate new lines of meaning and open up new spaces of narrative. (…)

Lucas Hirsch HC ArtJunk