No. 30—2024

Veritas Vermibus. The Truth of the Worms

Emma Adler

Info: Worms are masters of camouflage. They often live covertly–underground, inside humans–and oscillate in their natural function between benefit and detriment. In the exhibition Veritas Vermibus, they act as a key to the truth. – Excerpt: Nadia Ismail (…) Emma Adler explores the ontological conflicts, ambiguities and irritations embodied in the increasingly obsolete border zones between digital and physical realities. Responding to our rampant post-factual age, her immersive multimedia installations open playful visual and sonic experiences borne from artistic research which critically investigates our understanding of authenticity and the politics of perception encompassing various levels of reality. Media representation, conspiracy theories and the aesthetics of video games inform Adler’s oeuvre, which, rather than providing any particular counter-narrative, endeavours to prompt our personal and collective reconsideration of the reliability of perception as an instrument of knowledge in a digitalised world. Location: Caprii, Orangeriestr. 6, 40213 Düsseldorf.

Sies und Hoeke Caprii Emma Adler ArtJunk