No. 37—2024

After this town, after this hill, after this tree

Ege Okal

Info: Ege Okal (*1990, lives in New York) is a young Turkish artist who explores the qualities of violence, space, gender, language and memories in her often cinematic works. For her first solo exhibition in Germany, she presents a new version of the video work Tourist (2019–ongoing). Tourist is a trilogy of short films and focused on the levels of ethnographic gaze, non-human sound and moving image. Okal investigates culturally and socially significant public spaces and spectacles occupied or dominated by a patriarchal body economy. She has selected these sites for their physical and mental proximity and belonging. The places are: Istanbul, a city where Okal used to live; rural America, a place where the artist lives temporarily; and Brasilia, a project city to which she does not belong and which she has only visited as a tourist. Okal captured all of this with Super 8mm film, which was widely used for home movies in the 1960s to capture micro-histories of social language. She combined the sound of extinct and endangered species with the sound of places.

Melange Ege Okal ArtJunk