Lukas Quietzsch
Info: There is an imminent risk that we will never be able to fully access our own pasts, nor for that matter our always-already absent present. Defense mechanisms such as repression guard the gate, as does the widespread tendency to understand history as a sequence of ideas, names, and dates rather than actual material conditions. If the zeitgeist of postwar America was a return to traditional values, Campbell’s Soup–with a label design unchanged since 1912–was its concrete iteration. Warhol, who appropriated the product said that the power of Campbell’s Soup Cans was its ability to mark a time, leaving out what might have resided inside: the image of the figure who fed him as a child. Lukas Quietzsch does not appropriate nor portray objects in a representational manner–any semblance thereof is mutated through fragmentation, displacement, and duplication–but a ghostly air of their design is nevertheless present. I can see elements from a CD cover that I can’t quite place; the repetition of a tribalstylized A; sections of the Pac-Man maze gone murky; LSD-blotters; the drawing of a cell; black holes and teddy bears. (…) Location: St. Apern Str. 26, 50667 Cologne.