Irmel Kamp
LINN LÜHNInfo: We are very much looking forward to present the first solo exhibition of Irmel Kamp. Irmel Kamp, born in 1937, traveled through European countries with her analog medium format camera to capture the architectural modernism of the 1920s and 1930s in its current state. »Every building is a personality«, says the artist about the buildings she photographs. The upcoming exhibition presents a selection from two of her most substantial bodies of work: Modern Architecture in Tel-Aviv 1930–1939, is the result of a five-year research encompassing more than 600 buildings, realized by Kamp between 1987–1993, prior to the large-scale preservation efforts of the city and to UNESCO’s recognition of it as a world heritage site in 2003; The second project, Les Années Trente, realized between 1996–1997, revolves around modern architecture of the 1930s in Brussels. (…) Joint opening with the galleries in Flingern.