No. 07—2025

Im Showroom: Nora Schattauer & Matthias Wollgast


Nora Schattauer, Matthias Wollgast

Info: Nora Schattauer conducts artistic research by working with chemical substances in a painterly laboratory environment. Experimental openness, interest in basic processes, pattern formation are terms that are linked to her work. In numerous artist’s books, the aesthetic examination of the structural and thinking from the material can be experienced. Her photographic work (among others at the scanning electron microscope) she examines energy patterns of matter. (…) To realize his concepts, Matthias Wollgast uses various media such as painting, drawing, cameraless photography and film. The dependence of art on its respective context and the constant revaluation of cultural values through their history and reception is a central theme of his works. A single motif can appear in the form of a cameraless photograph, as its reproduction on a postcard, as part of an artist’s book, or as an integral part of an installation.

PFAB Nora Schattauer ArtJunk