No. 07—2025

Honey Pot


Jonathan Kraus

Info: SETAREH X is excited to announce Honey Pot, an upcoming solo exhibition of Jonathan Kraus, an emerging talent from Berlin. The exhibition showcases Kraus’s latest work, where he skillfully reimagines familiar subjects from classical art, bringing them into a contemporary realm rich with humor, wit, and subversion.⁠ We kindly invite you to join us for the opening reception on Friday, November 15th. In borrowing iconic figures, animals, and objects from well-known masterpieces and recontextualizing them, Jonathan Kraus creates a new image that oscillates between homage and playful critique. By placing these recognizable motifs into a different time, space, and dialogue, Kraus morphs the original image‘s intention, infusing each piece with a subtle satire. (…)

Setareh X Jonathan Kraus ArtJunk